Bedste Breast Cancer Treatment Hospitaler i Indien

Apollo Hospital, Mumbai

Mumbai, Indien : 31 km

500 senge 0 Læger
Toplæger: Mere ..
Aster Medicity Hospital, Kochi

Kochi, Indien : 15 km

670 senge 1 Læger

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33 Years old Mozambique Patient undergoes CTVS procedure in India

33-årig Mozambique-patient gennemgår CTVS-procedure i Indien

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UAE Patient Underwent Successful Knee Replacement Surgery in India

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Shehnoza from Tashkent, Uzbekistan undergoes B/L Knee Replacement in India

Shehnoza fra Tashkent, Usbekistan gennemgår B/L knæudskiftning i Indien

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Hvilken slags brystkræftbehandlinger er tilgængelige i Indien?

Over the last years, the quality and precision of life-saving breast cancer treatments have increased beyond measure. Technological advancements made to elevate the standards of the breast cancer treatment in India has brought new hope in people's lives. Contrary to one or two procedures that were prevalent before, there is a multitude of treatment options available at present. The cancer specialists will recommend and determine the appropriate treatment protocol on the basis of many factors including, tumor's location and stage, age, general health, menopause status and preferences of the patient, genomic markers, presence of known mutations caused in the inherited cancer like BRCA1 or BRCA2, and the results of the conducted diagnostic tests and screening procedures.

There are major six types of breast cancer treatments performed at India's premier hospitals and medical units that include, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted, hormone, sentinel lymph node biopsy concatenated by a surgery.


Hvilke typer brystkræftprocedurer udføres i Indien?

Indien huser en række brystkræfthospitaler, der har fået et prestigefyldt navn for at tilbyde omfattende kræftbehandling and care at affordable costs. With a host of quality holistic treatment choices, vibrant, full-fledged team for prevention diagnosis including, radiation, surgical and medical experts, 24×7 emergency services and pharmacy services, education and awareness and breast cancer research wing, these hospitals have managed to carve its own niche in a small period of time.

Brystkræftspecialister i Indien anvender en række kirurgiske metoder til at behandle patienter med brystkræft, som kan omfatte,

lumpektomi: Commonly referred to as breast-conserving therapy, lumpectomy involves a procedure wherein the cancer-affected region along with the adjoining normal is removed. The operating surgical oncologist can eliminate lymph nodes by making a second incision. The primary of lumpectomy is to maintain the appearance of the breast of the patient after the completion of the procedure. This surgery is followed by radiation therapy that is carried out for a period of five to eight weeks in an effort to cure the remaining breast.

Lumpektomi betragtes som en fremragende behandlingsmulighed for kvinder med tidligt stadie af brystkræft.

Delvis eller segmentel mastektomi eller kvadrantektomi: In this surgical intervention technique, one-quarter of the breast is removed; the surgeon operates and removes the tumor and surrounding 2 to 3 centimeters of breast with absolute precision. Apart from this, the surgeon eliminates the skin that is present over the quarter of breast and chest wall's muscle beneath the tumor. Also, partial mastectomy removes lymph nodes nearby the tumor and alters the size and shape of the breast.

Enkel eller total mastektomi: I denne procedure fjernes patientens hele bryst. Der fjernes dog ingen lymfeknuder. Denne type operation er hovedsageligt brugt til at behandle kvinder med flere eller store områder af duktalt karcinom in situ. Bortset fra dette foreslås denne behandlingsprotokol til kvinder, der søger profylaktiske mastektomier.

Modificeret radikal mastektomi: This procedure involves the removal of the breast, nipple and lymph nodes in the armpit. But, the chest muscles are left intact. In a majority of patients, this procedure is accompanied by immediate or delayed breast reconstruction.

Radikal mastektomi: This procedure involves the removal of the breast along with the nipple, lymph nodes present  armpit, and chest wall muscles under the patient's  breast .

Hvad er de forskellige akkrediteringer et indisk brystkræfthospital har?

Brystkræfthospitaler og andre medicinske faciliteter i Indien har modtaget akkrediteringer fra internationale agenturer som NABH, NABL og JCI.

Er det rigtigt, at det rigtige brystkræfthospital ville være det, der har den rigtige brystkræftspecialist som en kirurgisk onkolog?

Det førsteklasses brystkræfthospital er uden tvivl bemandet af det bedste hold af kræftspecialister. Men man bør aldrig vige tilbage fra at verificere kræfteksperternes akkrediteringer, før man vælger en.

Verdenskendte cancerspecialister, der arbejder på Indiens førende medicinske faciliteter, har opnået graderne MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Onco Surgery fra internationalt anerkendte universiteter i Indien og i udlandet, med mange års klinisk erfaring og forskellige anerkendelser.

Skal brystkræfthospitalerne have støttepersonale med erfaring i behandling af brystkræft?

Helt sikkert Ja. Patienter, der får brystkræftbehandlinger i Indien, har den generelle støtte fra erfarne og medfølende læger, kirurger og andet medicinsk personale, som igen hjælper dem med at sikre en hurtigere bedring og reduceret hospitalsophold.

Hvordan evaluerer man et brystkræfthospital i Indien?

Brystkræfthospitaler kan vurderes på grundlag af dets infrastruktur, tilgængelige typer udstyr og andre faciliteter, for at sige det mildt.

Man skal vælge det hospital, der opfylder følgende sæt kriterier, der kan omfatte,


Best breast cancer hospital in India possesses one of the best state-of-art infrastructures and is known for offering world-class treatments at minimal costs in lieu of medical services of supreme quality. These hospitals have structurally-equipped, voice modulated and integrated operating rooms with the adequate number of beds, high-end laboratory services such as Cytology, Histopathology, Frozen Sections etc., research and cardiopulmonary lab, Initiated Cyclotron and PET-CT technologies and imaging technologies like SPECT and 3T MRI, to name a few.


Breast cancer medical facilities in India has the access to best-quality equipment or instrument including, best radiodiagnostic and radiotherapy machines, linear accelerators, 3D Digital Mammography with Breast Tomosynthesis, CT scans, 3 tesla digital MRI, lab with totipotent RX,256 slice CT scan, Bi plan cath lab, time of flight (TOF) PET CT & brain suites.

Hvor meget koster behandling af brystkræft i Indien?

Omkostningerne ved brystkræftbehandling i Indien er væsentligt lavere sammenlignet med omkostningerne for patienter i lande som USA, Storbritannien osv.

omkostninger ved brystkræftoperationer i Indien spænder mellem 2500-4500 USD. Ydermere kommer behandlingsomkostningerne omkring 6000-8000 USD på inklusive tilhørende behandlinger såsom kemoterapi og stråleterapi osv.


Medmonks Medicare yder ikke medicinsk rådgivning, diagnose eller behandling. De tjenester og informationer, der tilbydes på, er udelukkende beregnet til informationsformål og kan ikke erstatte den professionelle konsultation eller behandling af en læge. Det er indhold, og det vil følge de juridiske procedurer for at beskytte dets intellektuelle ejendom.

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